Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Miss Arkansas Meeting/Golf Tournament

Recently all of the contestants for Miss Arkansas met at the Pleasant Valley Country Club for a Golf Tournament Fundraiser for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.  Early that weekend the contestants had a fashion show modeling clothes from our sponsors around the state.

This weekend was so fun and it was great to see all of the girls.  I had a team of friends that played on a golf team in the tournament!  It was so good to see them and to follow them in our golf cart!  We had a blast.  It was fun helping Candace and Cortnie know exactly what to expect this year at Miss Arkansas - they are first year.  It is so weird that this time last year I was a first year and knew nothing and did not know what to expect!

It is so neat that there are so many people that are willing to donate so much of their time and energy to volunteer for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals!  It is definitely a great organization.  To learn more about it go here:  CMNH Internet Site

Here are some pictures from our Fashion Show!  I wore a black strapless dress from   She Said Yes! (click their to go to the site) Brandi ( the blonde below) was so precious and sweet and was so helpful and brought several choices - but this black I loved!  It was about $250 and I am trying to find time to head up to NWA and buy it before it's gone.  I loved it and working with Brandi was delightful.

Our Golf Tournament weather was beautiful!  It rained for just a moment at the start of the day, but after that it was gorgeous: not to hot, not to cold :)  we had so much fun riding around together!  I can not wait until Miss Arkansas in July - it will be so fun!

Hope you enjoy!
Have a great day!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Indian Hills

Today I went and spoke about encouragement to kids at Indian Hills Elementary School.  They were very receptive.

I started out with one of my favorite books: If You Give A Cat A Cupcake by Laura Numeroff.   As the Cupcake Queen of the Miss Arkansas Pageant I take it as my duty to inform kids - Cupcakes are Fun!  Check out my Cupcake Blog at www.misscupcakequeen.blogspot.com !!

Next I read a story that directly relates to my Platform Be A Buddy!  It was about Special Kids and how we can be encouragers to them.  Their teacher Mrs. Distradict told them an important quote that I think everybody should remember 
"People aren't smarter than you, they just know different things."  
That is an encouraging quote!  

The last book I read was about a kid named Cody and how he must learn to encourage his little sister Emily.  It is called Cody's Castle.  The kids responded well to this book because almost every child had a sibling and they were able to recognize different times in their life when they were not encouragers and how they can be encouragers in the future.

Even though I spoke mainly on encouraging others today - that is still right along with my platform Be a Buddy.  Third graders are not going to be able to go home and tell their parents I want to volunteer in an organization for disabled kids - however, they are able to go home and be a buddy by encouraging those around them.

Here are some pictures from today's class!

This is my beautiful cousin Jessica.  She constantly inspires me!  I love her so much.

She is my buddy and the reason that I got started in Miracle League and why I started Be A Buddy!